

                                            LEARNING NUMBER 4


v 1. A student will be able to identify the number 4 amongst the other numbers by watching the following Utube video.


Instructions: Make sure that your child watches this video twice every day for 3 days so he/she will be able to memorize and recognize the number 4 in the number line between the numbers 1-4.


v 2. A student will be able to write the number 4 by doing the worksheets.

Instructions: Open and print out  these two worksheets for the child to practice  writing the number 4.


v 3. A student will understand the numerical value of the number 4.


Instructions: For this activity you need to have at least 10 balls in total or more and an empty container, which is big enough for the balls to fit inside . The aim of this game is that the child tries to score only four balls inside the container. Let him try until he succeeds and repeat the game as often as he wants. Moreover, let another person participate in this game  so it will be even more interesting and fun, this will help to determine the winner of this game such as who will be the first to score the four balls inside the container. Have fun !





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